Modern Love - NY Times Series

Have you seen any of these columns? The New York Times has a collections of columns called Modern Love. Last Sunday, this column ran and I thought it was so touching and beautiful that I wanted to share it. Layng Martine Jr. describes his relationship with his wife before and after the car accident that left her a paraplegic. Perhaps I'm more of a romantic than I typically admit to but reading this made me think that for better or worse never rang more true.


Erin Alberty said...

Oh, man. I should not have read that between my nightly police calls. My voice was shaking with every dispatcher.

Thanks for pointing it out. I think everyone should read it.

dbh said...

Gulp, right? I've read several more columns in that collection and have really enjoyed them. There is one by a woman whose parents switched partners with another couple that was amazing (I have personal experience with this so it hit quite close to home).

Sarah Bellum said...

I found the feature a couple of months ago and I cannot get enough of it!

dbh said...

The series really is quite compelling. I've found myself rationing essays so that they are savored rather than devouring them like I'm inclined to do.