Sundance Film Festival: Wise Ax Style

Sundance Film Festival kicks off later this week and I'm very excited about the movies this year. I always order a locals package and this year is no exception. Although in previous years my movies have all been in Salt Lake City, this year I have the option of seeing screenings in Park City and Salt Lake. I'll bring my new camera up to the Park City Screening and hopefully will get some blogerrazzi action to share with you.

Here is a list of the movies that I've selected this year. I rarely go for movies in the previews category because most of those films will eventually come out in theaters so I select movies that I wouldn't normally have the opportunity to see otherwise. Also, I love documentaries so you'll notice that my movies are skewed that direction.

The Glass House
Big River Man
Afghan Star
Arlen Faber
The Queen and I
Brief Interviews with Hideous Men

I'll post updates throughout the festival so be sure to check back often!

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